
2021年10月4日—Microsoft'sfreeWindows11upgradefromWindows10isnowrollingout.Microsoftisstartingtoofferthefreeupgradetonewdevicesthat ...,,It'sfree.ButonlyWindows10PCsthatarerunningthemostcurrentversionofWindows10andmeettheminimumhardwarespecificationswillbeabletoupgrade.,YourWindows10PCiseligibleforaWindows11upgrade.Nowwhat?ThereareseveralwaystoinstallthenewOSforfree.Hereareyouroptions.,Learnmor...

How to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 for free

2021年10月4日 — Microsoft's free Windows 11 upgrade from Windows 10 is now rolling out. Microsoft is starting to offer the free upgrade to new devices that ...

How to Get Windows 11 for Your Compatible PC

It's free. But only Windows 10 PCs that are running the most current version of Windows 10 and meet the minimum hardware specifications will be able to upgrade.

No Reason to Wait

Your Windows 10 PC is eligible for a Windows 11 upgrade. Now what? There are several ways to install the new OS for free. Here are your options.

Upgrade to Windows 11

Learn more about what's new at Windows.com/Windows-11. Can I upgrade for free? Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 will be free. Due to the size of the ...

How to get Windows 11 cheap (or even for free)

2023年10月3日 — Yes, you can get a properly activated version of Windows for free. ... Windows licenses are expensive—almost painfully so. Shelling out $139 for ...

How to get Windows 11 for free

2023年1月10日 — If you have a Windows 10 PC or laptop that's ready for Windows 11, you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just by running the update tool. Step ...